I hope that this finds you well and coping with the current restrictions placed upon us. I know that like you all I am very, very keen to get back to rugby, but we must follow the guidelines from the SRU in this regard.
The Annual General Meeting is due to be held by the end of this month – your committee are in discussion regarding our options (postponement, delaying for a year or using Zoom to hold the meeting) and we will update you soon.
We had a virtual meeting with North Ayrshire Council and SRU last week to look at the plans for the Lochshore Visitor Hub. Obviously Covid 19 has had an impact on the timings and it is now looking like a start on site in January 2021 with completion expected in Spring 2022. Whilst this does delay the timescales for us getting purpose built changing facilities at Lochshore, I am sure that it will be worth the wait. The Stage 2 Building Warrant has been applied for and a contractor identified.
Unfortunately we have had to cancel a few events: Lochshore Open Day incorporating Prizegiving in May and it looks likely that Ladies’ Night in September will not be able to go ahead, although we await further confirmation regarding that.
As soon as we have guidance from SRU we will issue a further update re getting back to training. In the meantime the space at Lochshore is still there for you to use for your outdoor exercise however please ensure that you follow the Government requirements in relation to social distancing etc. Remember players can do their own pre pre-season fitness regime so that they are ready to go as soon as we are allowed. I’ve taken a few walks around Lochshore and it is always busy, but plenty of space to maintain your distance.
If anybody has any questions or issues on which the club can assist please contact a member of the committee.
Stay safe, Trish Wallace – President